Monday, June 13, 2011

Week Four: Crisis and Frustration

I did it.  Over 200 pages written in four weeks.  I think I previously posted that this would make me ahead of schedule, but it actually puts me right on schedule if my goal is to write 10 pages a day, which it is.  Still, I am pretty proud of myself, and I expect that I will be half way through the novel by the end of this coming week or middle of next.  I might even add a Saturday writing session this week to make sure that is met.

Well, this past week has seen a lot of frustration for me.  I had to take my planning to the next level and brainstorm specific scenes.  This wasn't a problem in and of itself, but it was a solution to the problem that I had no idea where I was taking a particular character, and it certainly wasn't a perfect solution.  The most painful source of frustration for me this past week, however, had nothing to do with the book.  Three of my accounts have been hacked, including Facebook, and I have been locked out entirely from all of them.  I've spent days, including several hours I should have been writing, trying to recover them.  No luck thus far.

When I was writing this blog this morning, I wrote about how although I've been mostly meeting my daily goal, I am failing to keep to my schedule of free writing from 9-9:30 and from 1-1:30 and novel writing from 9:30-12 and 1:30-4ish.  One of the things I cited was that I'm often too energetic or too exhausted and I get distracted by the need to exercise or take a nap.  I did free write before my morning session, and it certainly had the effect I want for it: clearing my mind of other stories by writing them down before I begin my novel writing.  Of course, I proceeded to take a nap my entire afternoon session.  I probably wouldn't have if I remembered to turn my phone off silence so I could hear the alarm I set for myself.  I do want to cut down on napping in general, but it's extraordinarily difficult to have any success writing or even look at the computer screen when I have a soul-splitting migraine.  I guess I'll just have to find a balance with that.

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Sadly no Quote of the Week this time around; I was having difficulty with finding a good quote earlier today and right now I'm still reeling from my migraine.  Maybe I'll post two next time.

1 comment:

  1. aw man, getting your accounts hacked really sucks. Hope that gets resolved soon! Keep on keepin' on, I'm living vicariously through you!
