Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Planning Continued

After a fairly unsuccessful day yesterday of trying to write scenes for this week's character, I decided to take some time this morning planning out possible scenes.  As I've written previously, I'm approaching planning cautiously, but this morning's session seemed to really work -

I've got a general idea for a dozen plus scenes, and my writing today definitely showed me that the planning was not going to interfere with spontaneous creation when a new scene cropped up, bridging the planned scenes.  Plus, despite the time I took out to plan during the morning session, I still exceeded my writing goal and broke the halfway mark on my 11th page.

This was a short update, I know, but I haven't much to say other than that I am proud of the results.

As a final piece of this update, I encourage you to comment if you have any response to this blog.  Because when someone has commented in the past, it brightens my day a little.  Since someone has asked me if being logged in is necessary, you do not have to be a member of Blogger to comment - Google accounts, Open IDs, Livejournal, and AIM s/ns are all ways to sign in for commenting - but I don't allow anonymous comments in order to cut back on spambots.  You can also follow the blog through your Google account, RSS feed or email.

I hope to hear your thoughts soon!


  1. Sister! I am reading your blog! I'm super proud of you. Keep up the good work!

  2. I applaud you on your undertaking! I have attempted novels several times, including NaNoWriMo 3 years in a row. I still do not have a completed novel to show for my effort. Go you! I'm cheering you on!

  3. Breitegan, hooray! Thank you.

    Jessica, thanks for the support. I didn't know you write. I definitely encourage you to continue trying; I was never good at NaNoWriMo either.
